Site icon Stephanie Drenka

Do You Hear the People Sing?

A short post today, because after another night of protest and marching, I am tired. My voice is hoarse from chanting, and the words run dry. These photos shouldn’t need much explanation. How much more symbolic can you get than a hearse and coffin leading the march through downtown Dallas to the Police Association building?

But one thing my pictures couldn’t capture –

The sound of protestors singing “We Shall Overcome” as we marched back towards Dallas Police Headquarters at the end of the night.

A melody and lyrics that nearly took my breath away to hear. I lost my footing and sense of time/place. The Civil Rights Movement is supposed to be history, and yet people of color are still fighting in 2018 for the unalienable rights of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Another poignant moment of the evening was returning to DPD headquarters, and seeing the silhouette of bystanders in their office. I wondered if our voices could ever carry loud enough to reach them.

Do you hear the people sing?
Singing the songs of angry men?
It is the music of the people
Who will not be slaves again!
(Les Misérables)

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