Site icon Stephanie Drenka

Drop by Drop

“Drop by drop is the water pot filled.” -Buddha

Last week, I sat down and made a list of personal goals for the next ten years. Some of them were quite lofty, and it was overwhelming to see it all written out in front of me. Long-term goals can be intimidating. To keep things in perspective, it’s been important for me to develop healthy habits I can tackle on a daily basis. I’ve been tracking them in my planner with these sticky notes from Cloth & Paper.

Here are some of the small ways I’m adapting my routine and staying energized to change the world.

Drink more water. Besides drinking more water, another one of my new goals is to be less wasteful. I’ve been really bad in the past about buying cases of plastic water bottles. To help make this habit more sustainable, I invested in a Soma water carafe and glass bottle.

Unplug occasionally. It’s not possible for me to go tech-free most days, because my work is dependent on it. But I do try to be intentional with scheduling and leaving significant breaks as needed. For the times I have to be on my phone or computer, I’ll wear glasses with blue light blocking lenses (my Wayfarers are from SmartBuyGlasses). Not sure if they’ve helped or if it’s just the placebo effect, but I do seem to be getting less tension headaches these days.

Meditate. Despite being an introvert and homebody, stillness makes me anxious. I’ve incorporated tarot and crystals into my morning routine. After I wake up (and make my coffee), I light a candle, meditate with a crystal or two, and draw a tarot card. I’m keeping a journal to track which card I draw along with some insights about it. It’s been one of the most calming and centering practices for me. Read more about how I’m trying to protect my peace in this blog post.

Make time for things I love. This can range from reading, journaling, video games, snuggling with my puppies, or playing the piano and singing. When it feels like I’m running on empty, these are the things that fill me back up.

These might all seem unimportant in the grand scheme of things, but I’m reminded of a quote from Annie Dillard: “How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.”

What are some of the habits you try to practice daily? How do you stay motivated and hold yourself accountable?

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