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Japanese Matcha Green Tea Latte

Japanese Matcha Green Tea Powder

I’m trying to get a head start on my New Year’s Resolution to be healthier, and this ingredient is my secret weapon… Japanese Matcha Green Tea powder.

Matcha is a powdered green tea from Japan that has more health properties than traditional brewed tea. (One cup of matcha green tea has as many antioxidants as 10 cups of regular tea!) It also brings back happy memories of Green Tea flavored Boba tea from Chicago’s Chinatown back in my college days.

A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that matcha green tea produces a significant increase in energy expenditure (a measure of metabolism) in individuals, combined with a significant effect on fat oxidation.

I prefer the taste of tea to coffee, anyway, but the simultaneous calming effect that matcha provides in addition to a lift in energy feels much better than drinking coffee products and being jittery all day.

It’s so simple and easy to make a latte with the matcha green tea powder. You can really experiment based on your tastes, but I’ve typically been using one tsp of matcha powder and mixing it with a few splashes of hot (not boiling) water (to form a thick sauce-like consistency) and then pouring in almond milk (you could alternatively use soy, regular milk, or even cream for a treat!). I love the taste of added agave nectar, but I’ve ended up using powdered Stevia packets because they are healthier and easier to clean-up after!

I’ll drink an iced one in the morning to start the day with a burst of energy and in the afternoon when it starts getting warm outside and I need a mid-day pick-me-up. At night, I make a soothing hot latte before bedtime to relax. Helps curb my dessert cravings after dinner, and there’s just something therapeutic about the warmth of a mug between my hands.

Hope you enjoy as much as I do!

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