Site icon Stephanie Drenka

The Unexpected Wedding Guest

Planning our wedding five years ago was an emotional process. The guest list was one of the most trying tasks. It was a vivid reminder of how many of my loved ones were no longer here to invite. I missed my grandparents and godparents dearly. Though I knew they would be with us in spirit (my sweet Catholic grandmas never missed a mass!), the chapel still felt emptier without them in the pews.

When Holden and I stood at the altar to exchange our vows, a ladybug landed on it. She stayed for the rest of the vows, and I knew by her presence that everyone looking down on us had the best seat in the house. Holden and I were the only ones who noticed her, and so it was especially meaningful to have him design this tattoo. Some people believe ladybugs bring luck and fulfillment of wishes. Mine is a reminder that I’m never truly alone.

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