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Monday Hangover: Showers & Shoots

I feel like I’m finally out of my blogging rut, and I owe it all to my blogger besties for keeping me motivated with their words of encouragement and creative inspiration. Sevi (Ware is the Vodka) has started a fun weekend recap linkup called Monday Hangover (totally appropriate given the name of her blog)! Usually at this time of the week, I’m suffering from a Case of the Mondays and feeling like doing anything besides sitting down to write a new blog post. Monday Hangover is the perfect challenge to start the week off on the right blogging foot!

This weekend was pretty amazing. I already recapped the rainy Chocolate Walk in a previous post. Even though Friday’s storm put a damper on things, the weather cleared up just in time for a special baby shower on Saturday.

Bear with me, as I’m going to get a bit emo for a moment. (I know at least one of my loyal readers appreciates a little Stephanie angst). The most trying part of our first year as newlyweds has been setting boundaries between us and people with negative intentions towards our marriage. It’s been a painful process, and we wouldn’t have made it through the roughest patches without our friends.

It’s always a little nervewracking meeting your significant other’s friends and trying to integrate yourself into a group with shared experiences you weren’t around for, and who may be extremely protective of their friend (and/or skeptical of you). However, Holden’s group of friends immediately made me feel welcome and have continuously gone out of their way to include and support me.

As our circle of friends starts going through their own life-changing milestones, it brings me comfort and joy to know that they will be there for all of ours as well. Nadine is one of Holden’s college friends who I’m blessed to call my friend now as well. (We even have girls-only brunches every month hehe). I was honored to photograph Nadine and her husband Bassel’s wedding (the courthouse ceremony before their official celebration in Lebanon) and a few weeks ago… the gender reveal for their first baby!

Spoiler Alert: It’s a BOY!

Baby Pierre Lucas is due in July, so this weekend we threw them a couples baby shower!

The shower was safari-themed. Our friend Judy did a FANTASTIC job on the diaper cake.

It may be a little untraditional to let boys come to the baby shower, but we decided it would be more fun to have them there. I’m so glad we invited them, because it was absolutely hilarious watching them guess the size of Nadine’s baby bump, and which baby food was which. I think the most entertaining part of the shower was the chocolate diaper game!

After the baby shower, I went back into weekend warrior mode with my photography. I already posted some sneak peeks from my shoot with Hanna on Saturday. Sunday was another day filled with photo sessions, starting with Jaclyn and her amazing new hair cut and color!

My next shoot was with Dallas realtor, J.R. We took headshots outside the Winspear Opera House in the AT&T Performing Arts Center.

Afterwards, I drove over to West Village for an outfit portrait session with the cutest Dallas fashion blogger, Courtney ( She’ll be launching a new style blog soon, so stay tuned!

My last shoot of the day was a graduation session with a gorgeous UNT senior named, Lina. When the forecast started looking stormy, we decided to postpone until next weekend. However, the sun started to peek through the clouds so we decided to go for it! I’m so glad we did. The overcast weather made for some amazing pics.

After the busy day, I was happy to come home and fall asleep to Netflix with my husband. Grateful for the precious friends and wonderful opportunities that keep my weekends so full!

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