Site icon Stephanie Drenka

Reclaiming Lightness

Last night, I reached a breaking point and decided it was time for a new beginning. I archived more than 6 years of Instagram photos and started fresh with a blank canvas. Life has been feeling kind of heavy lately, and I thought maybe it would be good to reclaim some lightness there.

“May it be a light to you in dark places, when all other lights go out.”

― J.R.R. Tolkien

I’ve become so focused on trying to combat the darkness in the world, that I haven’t held space to appreciate its beauty. I’ll still be fighting the good fight on this blog, VISIBLE, and other platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter but, for a little while…

I’m going to intentionally curate some semblance of peace on my feed during a time when everything else feels out of control.

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