Site icon Stephanie Drenka


“The truth is that the only consistent theme in #Dallas since its incorporation has been racism.”
Jerry Hawkins (via D Magazine)

My Black friends and colleagues—who have already endured unspeakable oppression and inequity—are also the ones doing the most emotional labor to educate the rest of us now.

This knowledge of history and their lived experiences is a precious gift. Do not squander it with fragility and defensiveness. They are doing this work because they care. The better future they are fighting for is yours, too. If your response is “go ahead and defriend me,” you’ve completely missed the point.

If you want to be an ally in this struggle for racial justice, but don’t take the time to understand how racism is built into every facet of our country and communities, you may be doing more harm than good. Impact > Intent.

Don’t know what to say yet? That’s okay! You can still use your platform to amplify other people’s voices. Hold space for the ones who need it more.

And when you’re ready to learn the hard and ugly truth so we can dismantle systemic injustice together, there are so many resources out there. One place to start is Dallas Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation, the organization I’m proud to work alongside every day. (Our Facebook live presentation on the History of Race in Dallas is a solid crash course).

This work is hard. It makes me angry. And impatient. I’m usually an empathetic person, but things are too urgent. I can’t spend my energy coddling White people whose feelings get hurt when their privilege is called out.

So, if this is the last thing you read before unfollowing or unfriending me, I understand. Just know that we’re still fighting for you. I might never see you again, but I hope someday you see the change we dreamed.

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