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What to Pack: Weekend Road Trip Edition

What to Pack: Weekend Road Trip Edition | Stephanie Drenka

“Now, on this road trip, my mind seemed to uncrinkle, to breathe, to present to itself a cure for a disease it had not, until now, known it had.” ― Elizabeth Berg

With the wedding and honeymoon back in February and my sister visiting from Korea this upcoming December, my husband and I didn’t have the vacation time (or funds) to do a big summer trip this year. Our Easter present from my parents was another caribbean cruise with them next spring, but it seems so far away! So, I decided that we needed some sort of getaway, even if it was just for the weekend.

I had signed up for a Facebook Fit bootcamp in Austin which was supposed to be a day trip, and thought– why not extend my stay a little longer and bring Holden with me! So we’re driving down to Austin tomorrow and staying through Friday to explore the city together before heading to San Antonio for a visit with my in-laws.

Notorious procrastinator that I am, I saved packing for the very last minute >.< Luckily, if there's one thing my parents taught me-- it's how to pack for a trip-- and lightly! (They recently took a 3 week trip to Europe and didn't have to check any bags!!) Here is what I'm taking with me on the road and a quick guide on what to pack for a weekend getaway.

2 Dresses: One Casual, One Dressier
2 Bottoms: Different washes, lengths/styles
3 Tops: Neutral, Print, Color
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3 Pairs of Shoes: Heels or Wedges, Comfortable Flats, Flip-Flops (for car ride)
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Accessories/Gadgets: Backup iPhone Charger, Camera, iPad with Bluetooth Keyboard Case, Sunglasses, Small Evening Clutch, Neutral-colored Crossbody Bag or Satchel
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Do you have any fun trips planned this summer? Share your packing tips in the comments! Linking up with Suitcases & Sippycups Travel Tips Tuesday!

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