“Be like the cliff against which the waves continually break; but it stands firm and tames the fury of the water around it.” (Marcus Aurelius) Cave Point County Park is…
Door County Travel Guide: Cana Island Lighthouse
“One moment I gaz’d from the hill’s gentle slope, All hush’d was the billows’ commotion, And tho’t that the Light-house look’d lovely as Hope, That star of life’s tremulous ocean.”…
Fourth of July in Door County
I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July holiday! I’ve been enjoying time with my family in Door County, Wisconsin. These festive outfit photos were actually taken yesterday. We…
Sunset at Sister Bay
For our trip to Door County, I decided to break out of my photography comfort zone and leave the Canon 6D and 50L at home. Accompanying me on this vacation…
Tourist Attire
One of my favorite parts of traveling, as I’m sure is common for most fashion bloggers, is choosing outfits for the trip. For Dubai, I was cognizant of the culture…
Post-Vacation Blues
I’ve been battling a severe case of the post-vacation blues ever since we got back from Dubai. (Yes, it’s a thing…) Although I had been looking forward to the trip…
Little White Dress in Dubai
This outfit was the first one we shot in Dubai, and possibly my favorite of all time. We’ve all got our classic LBD (Little Black Dress) in the closet, but…